Sculpture by the Sea returns to the Bondi to Tamarama Beach coastal walk as the world’s largest free to the public sculpture exhibition in 2024. The spectacular coastal walk was once again transformed into a 2km long sculpture park over three weeks featuring more than 100 sculptures by artists from Australia and across the world.
"Florastic" - plastic bags and fruits nets
100 WORKS ON PAPER Benefit Exhibition - 2024
September 21 – October 18, 2024Reception: September 21, 2024
"Pas de Deux" - ink, gouache - collage from Manhattan phone books
Open Studio at I-Park Sunday September 22, from 14 to 17 pm.
New works inspired by birds songs.
Je remercie le canton du Valais pour la bourse de soutien dans le cadre de l'encouragement des arts visuels. Soutien qui est mis au profit de ma résidence d'artistes à I-Park Foundation au Connecticut, USA.
I'm thrilled to be an artist in residence in I-Park for 1 month.
I-Park is both an open-air and a private-studio laboratory for individual creative pursuits in the fields of music composition, the visual arts, architecture, moving image, creative writing, interdisciplinary practice and landscape/garden design.
DISRUPTING THE GRID: Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles
Curated by Hannah Israel
February 10 - March 24, 2024
Curator’s Talk & Opening Reception: Saturday, February 10, 4-6pm
Artists: Golnar Adili, Mildred Beltré, Barb Bondy, Beth Caspar, Sabine Friesicke, Takuji Hamanaka, Richard Howe, Erick Johnson, Jane Lincoln, Arezoo Moseni, Margie Neuhaus, Susan Newmark, Carol Prusa, Viviane Rombaldi Seppey, Claudia Sbrissa, Audrey Stone
Under Construction XXL ist ein einmaliges Kunstprojekt über das ganze Wochenende vom 16./17 September. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Bienstelle füt Natio-malstressen und in Zusammenarbeit mit Visarte entsteht auf dem nicht eröffneten Autobahn-teilstück Grosseya bei Visp eine Ausstellung, die zum Mitmachen, Staunen, Nachdenken und Verweilen einlädt.
Infos auf:
Participation à l'exposition de groupe sur la thématique des biais cognitifs:
Cueillir ses Cerises
du 17.06.2023 au 17.09.2023
La Nef, Anciennes usines Thécla, Route Moulin des Lavoirs 53, CH-2882 Saint-Ursanne
Conférence sur les leurres cognitifs par Fabrice Clément, professeur à l’Unine, suivie d’une visite guidée et d’un brunch le 10.09.2023
Je deviens membre de l'association Visarte Suisse/Valais.
Issue de la Société suisse des Beaux-Arts, qui existait depuis 1806, la Société suisse des peintres et sculpteurs (SPSS) fut fondée en 1866 dans le but de défendre les intérêts des artistes. Les activités principales sont l’organisation d’expositions et l’exercice d’influence sur la politique artistique.
I’ve been invited to Monson Arts’ residency. It’s giving me the opportunity to immerse myself in small town life at the edge of Maine’s North Woods and focus intensely on my work within a creative and inspiring environment. April 2023
1000 déclinaisons d'une collection
Des premiers dessins et gravures aux productions informatisées actuelles, l’univers de la carte a connu un développement fulgurant. Il fut rendu possible par l’évolution des connaissances et des techniques de production au fil des siècles. L’exposition, à découvrir aux Arsenaux, raconte l’histoire de cette évolution en se basant sur des exemples valaisans issus de la grande collection de la Médiathèque Valais-Sion. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux cartes anciennes dès les débuts de l’imprimerie, mais aussi aux cartes touristiques et scolaires, aux créations des graphistes et à celles des artistes dans ce domaine.
Voilà une belle occasion de découvrir un Valais surprenant quant à ses représentations, et de vous questionner sur l’univers fascinant de la cartographie.
Un livre de 150 pages intitulé également Le Valais à la carte, 1’000 déclinaisons d’une collection paru aux éditions Monographic accompagne cette exposition et peut être acquis lors de votre visite, en librairie ou directement auprès de l’éditeur.
- sa, le 18.03. 08:30 - sa, le 01.07.2023 17:00
Organisateur: Mediathèque Valais - Sion
Rue de Lausanne 45
1950 Sion
Co-Curators: David Houston and Florence Neal
Musical Track by Michael Kowalski and Allen Otte
Exhibition Dates: February 11 - March 26, 2023
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 11, 4-6pm
"Cacophony", ink on paper, 2019
Thank you to Isabelle Bagnoud Loretan for her article.
Insight of my exhibition "La Terre et le Territoire" at Galleria Graziosa Giger"
Solo show at galleria graziosa giger
from November 19, 2022 to January 8, 2023
Opening: Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 6 PM
Where: Badnerstrasse 1 - CH - 3953 Leuk-Stadt
Croisée 7, graphite on paper, 2022
Honored and excited to be the recipient of a Dieu Donné Paper Mill fellowship.
I'm looking forward to work on a new project.
Working in the studio at Dieu Donné Paper Mill, April 2022
Exhibition with Simona Prives and Tegan Brozyna Roberts
66 Elm Street
New Canaan, CT 06840
August 14 – September 25, 2021
“Water and Earth” - cut atlas maps and pencil - 2021
Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum, Biloxi, Mississippi
April 12 – September 18, 2021
Co-Curators: David Houston and Florence Neal
Musical track by Michael Kowalski and Allen Otte
“Singing Letters” - 2019
Honored to be a FST StudioProject recipient. Frederieke Sanders Taylor created FST StudioProjects Fund in 2017 to encourage studio practice, a vital component of the arts in New York City.
Solo show “Voice” at Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY
April 10 – May 30, 2021
Curator: Joanne Howard
Artists: Marietta Hoferer, Gloria Holwerda-Williams, Viviane Rombaldi Seppey, Claudia Sbrissa, Ilene Sunshine, Hugh Williams
"Un Monde en Soi (maps)"
Main Gallery
February 6–April 25
Curator: Mary Birmingham
Participating artists: Gina Adams, DARNstudio, Elizabeth Duffy,
Ghost of a Dream, Shanti Grumbine, Kwesi Kwarteng, Debra Ramsay,
Leslie Roberts, and Viviane Rombaldi-Seppey
Virtual artist talk April 20 @7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
From (de)Coding show: “Along the Lines”, “Pulsating” and “Singing Letters”, image credit Etienne Frossard
Selections from the Kentler International drawing space Flatfiles
Exhibition at The Bo Bartlett Center, Columbus State University, Georgia
January 22 – March 20, 2021
Co-Curators: David Houston and Florence Neal
Musical track by Michael Kowalski and Allen Otte
Panel Discussion Online: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Music as Image and Metaphor brings together forty-one works by twenty-eight artists from the Kentler Flatfiles (Brooklyn, NY) focused on the theme of music. The theme of music-as-image includes works that were directly inspired by or are illustrative of sound art, while the image-as-metaphor theme encompasses a diverse group of works that, directly or indirectly, reflect the structure and artistic goals of musical composition and improvisation. As an incentive to the viewer to pursue these rich connections more deeply, the exhibition also includes a suite of one-minute musical responses to each graphic work, specially created for the installation at the Bartlett Center. Some of the connections are direct and clear, others poetic or even fanciful. Whatever the connection, this exhibition celebrates the ongoing dance between the visual and the aural that is hundreds, if not thousands, of years old.
"Cacophony", detail, ink on paper, 30 x 23 inches, 2019
“Construction Site” encompasses a paper-based installations and artist’s books, featuring work based on migratory experience, using the concept of home construction as the point of departure for this collection of work.
October 9 - December 12, 2020
Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
“Way Home’’, installation piece
September 26, 2020
A collective of Harlem artists convenes regularly for an open conversation about their artistic path and their roles as agents of culture.
It is a "work" in progress.
Capucine Bourcart, Undine Groeger, Sade Boyewa El, Salem Krieger, Xavier Roux, Dominique de Cock, Tomo Mori, Allicette Torres, Noreen Dean Dresser, Leah Poller, Viviane Rombaldi Seppey
Yulia Tikhonova, curator
Racism: The Other American Pandemic is an online exhibition of artistic voices inspired by blatant systemic racism, police brutality, political outrage and resurgent white nationalism. The exhibit, on display from July 15-September 8, 2020, seeks to capture this moment in real time, through an intensive curation of the unprecedented online archiving of artistic responses to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25.
With more than 20 visual and multi-media artists, poets and performers from the United States and abroad, ìRacism: The Other American Pandemic reflects the abundance of stirring visual and literary responses that have dominated the national conversation since May.
Booklyn Artists’ Book Fair 2020
Where: PS3 Charette School
Opening: Friday, February 21, 2020, 6PM - 9PM
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 11AM - 5PM
Sunday, February 23, 2020, 11AM - 4PM
Title: “Hay”
“By Sea”
October 17 - November 26, 2019
NJCU Center for the Arts, Visual Arts Gallery (link)
Group show curated by Donna David, Associate Professor, FIT/SUNY.
This exhibition showcases ways maps can be used creatively to capture memories, explore personal histories and create narratives.
November 9 - December 15, 2019
Group show curated by David Houston (link)
The Kentler Flatfiles have been an essential element of Kentler International Drawing Space since its founding in 1990. A collection of over 2,000 artworks by 270 local, national and international artists, this living archive represents the incredible breadth and diversity found in contemporary drawings and works on paper today.
“Number 5” hand cut numbers 5 from Manhattan phone book
September 28–November 3, 2019
Opening Reception: September 28, 6–8 PM Artist Talk: October 20, 4–5:30 PM
Viviane Rombaldi Seppey’s recent visual and sound art pieces contemplate human exchange and the role of verbal language in communication and comprehension. Having lived most of her life in places where the spoken language was not her mother tongue, she began to question how arbitrary words can be, especially when an accent can generate misunderstanding. The Roman alphabet became the starting point of the themes in her work, as it is the common element among the languages she has encountered. Her exhibition includes artist books, drawings, collages, and an interactive sound piece. In the central piece, Pulsating, alphabet lines are reinterpreted into a musical score (by musician Benjamin Velez) and transcribed on paper to be played with musical boxes. Visitors are then invited to choose a letter to play on the music box. The “singing” letters become a language in itself, encouraging viewers to expand their ideas about modes of communication.
FREED FORMATS: the book reconsidered
Chris Perry + Alice Walsh, Co-Curators
Travelling exhibition 2019:
Ridgefield Guild of Artists - Ridgefield, CT
Putnam Arts Council - Mahopac, NY
Five Points Gallery - Torrington, CT
Mark Twain Library - Redding, CT
Mahopac Public Library - Mahopac, NY
"Flying Words"
COLLAGE BY WOMEN: 50 Essential Contemporary Artists
by Rebeka Elizegi, Blanca Ortiga
I’m one of the 50 international women artists mentioned in this book
Collage by Women presents 50 international women artists working in the field of collage today through a rigorous selection of their works. Curated by the Spanish collage artist Rebeka Elizegi, the book gives space to voices from all backgrounds, origins, and artistic expressions, and shows the wide variety of perspectives that are shaping the panorama of collage today, bringing to light a parallel effervescence of female artistic initiatives around the world. From emerging names to more well-known and established ones, the artists featured here are pushing back the boundaries of art. Collage by Women wants to call attention to the experiences and creative processes of artists that should be on our radar through an impressive selection of manual and digital techniques, topics and aesthetic choices, accompanied by texts that provide in-depth approaches to the inspiration, influences and work trajectory of each artist.
Born from the belief that women's voices are of the utmost relevance in all cultural and social fields, the book will surely contribute to a healthier, more comprehensive, more inclusive understanding of our reality.
At the New York City Book and Ephemera Fair
Saturday, March 9, 2019, 8AM - 4PM
Sunday, March 10, 2019, 9AM - 3PM
with Heather Gaudio Fine Arts
Article from Carine Bovey In “Le Chat Perché” about my solo show “Horizon” at Dubner Moderne
In ART SPIEL, article/interview with Etty Yaniv, July 24, 2018
Group show at the : New York Transit Museum
Opening October 11th, 2018
New York's transportation history happened in phases, from early ships, trains and passenger ferries to more modern subways, trains, buses and cars. Transportation maps highlight the story of New York's growth through the increasingly connected transportation system. Indeed, mass transit helped make the greater New York region what it is today. Navigating New York draws on the New York Transit Museum's collection, artistic renderings, historic maps, guidebooks and digital technology that refresh our view of the city and show how transportation has catalyzed its development.
Trestle Pojects Space, Brooklyn NY - August 2018
Curator Katherine Murdock
Exhibiting artists: Katherine Vance, Simonette Quamina, Viviane Rombaldi Seppey
April 2018
I had the privilege to participate in this unique residency in Wyoming, thinking about the landscape and using printmaking as a medium.